Need a quick and fun way to celebrate this special day? Try making these cute handprint cards! Those little handprints get me everytime and S absolutely loves getting messy and making them.

❤️ First, it’s time to get messy! Get those little hands covered. To ensure full coverage, get them to rub their hands together like they are washing their hands

🧡 Once you have some nice prints, let them dry

💛 For cupcakes – cut out a little baking cup from colored paper (your toddlers can totally help with this part!)

💚 They can decorate the cups and then glue on top of the handprints

💙 Draw a little heart cherry on top and you’re done!

💜 You can also turn the handprints into flowers, dinosaurs and even a cute little dress.

❤️ Add a sweet little message and you are done! (I love you more than cupcakes, You are totally roarsome, if moms were flowers I’d pick you!, always your little princess)

💌 Which one was your favorite? Save and share with a friend for inspiration!

Tip – to keep things somewhat less messy, we use our favourite @crayola_canada Crayola washable paint. These paints are bright and vibrant but wash or wipe away easily with water. No soap or rough scrubbing needed!

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