It’s almost time for Halloween and we’re doing a Super Mario theme this year! Baby will be toad and S will be Daisy! Since we couldn’t really find a costume for Daisy (at least not one that was under $50), I decided to DIY her costume. First I’ll show you how I made her crown.

What you will need:

  • Hoop crown base (something circular that can fit on your kid’s head or your head)
  • Sparkly gold ribbon
  • Sparkly pipe cleaners – red and green for Daisy
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Paper

For a smaller crown (see below for my Rosalina crown), you can use a circular cardboard & a headband to create something similar.

Let’s get crafting!

I found a cheap kids crown from ardenes and it was the perfect base for this. I took off the original flowers and gems and glued a sparkly gold ribbon around the hoop. I ended up doing two layers in order to get enough height for the crown.

Using scissors, I cut triangles into the top ribbon to create a crown shape.

I then took some sparkly pipe cleaners, twirled them into a circled and glued each onto the middle of the crown points. If you were looking to make a Princess Peach, you can stop here. For Daisy, she has a flower in the front of her crown so I cut out some petals from paper and glued them around the front jewel.

and that’s it! Simple but the results are perfect!

My daughter was so excited when she saw this! She put it on and wouldn’t take it off. Once we get her dress finished up, I’ll have her wear it all together and show you how it looks!

and for those who want to make Princess Rosalina’s crown:

I glued silver sparkly ribbon around the ribbon holder (you can also cut a circle out of cardboard and use that but the ribbon holder gave a little more structure). Again, I did two layers to give some height. Then I repeated the same process as above – cut triangles to crown shape and glue some sparkly pipe cleaners for the jewels. This time, I glued the base directly onto a cheap headband.

Headbands are easy for us to wear and for older kids too. The hoop crown base I used above is easier for younger kids who don’t like the feeling of the headband. That one just sits on their head.

Let us know if you try this and stay tuned for the Daisy dress!

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