Know the classic baking soda and vinegar volcano? Add some dinosaurs and muddy oobleck to create a small world play!

To create this, you will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Oobleck – mixture of cornstarch, water and cocoa powder
  • Dinosaur figurines
  • Eggshells

I added several different aspects to this small world play. You can make them all or choose the parts you like! You can also save some of these ideas of a separate play – the muddy oobleck is a great one to pair with any toy figurine. Add farm animals and make a muddy farm play, peppa pig figurines for a muddy puddle play 😉

To make the muddy oobleck:

Mix 1-2 cups of cornstarch with 1-2 scoops of cocoa power. Slowly add in water and mix well until you get a thick, slimy consistency. You don’t want to add too much water so add a little at a time until the desired consistency.

To make the dinosaur in the egg shells:

Simply save egg shells (give them a quick rinse) and then fill them halfway with water and add a little dinosaur figure inside. Freeze and then add to your play as needed.

For the volcano:

I made a volcano by molding playdough around a small cup (to hold the baking soda). I also added a few drops of red food coloring to my baking soda to make it seem more like lava. Then you just need some droppers filled with vinegar (or cups of vinegar to pour!)

Have fun!!

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