Is your little one wanting to cut everything up with scissors? Once they learn this new skill, they want to cut everything. So let’s give them something to cut!
This simple activity allows them to practice cutting with scissors at different angles to free their beloved toys. Use whatever toys or figurines you have available – we are going with some animals!
Since we have so much scrap paper, this was also the perfect activity to use up some of our stash. I cut up a few sheets of paper into strips and then taped them on top of some animals so that they were “stuck to the table”. Try to change up the angle of the strips of paper to make it more challenging.
Her job was to free the animals and she loved this one so much she asked for more right after she was done.
FYI – for toddlers who need a little assistance opening and closing their scissors, we highly recommend trying loop scissors! They automatically pop back up and are kind of like using tongs so it makes it much easier for them and less frustrating when they are starting out using scissors. Eventually they will gain enough hand control to open and close regular scissors.