Looking for a new way to paint with your toddler? Try this!

Get some cardboard and draw out some egg shapes. Cut these out and then use a glue gun to glue on different kinds of pasta. Once they are glued, let your toddlers paint away! (Older toddlers can help pick out the pasta and glue)

Having a different canvas turns painting into a whole new activity. And there are so many great benefits of painting that they can develop or strengthen by practicing more.

Benefits of painting:

  • Fosters creativity and imagination
  • Resets emotions and relaxes them
  • Develops patience and focus
  • Practices hand eye coordination
  • Learn about color mixing
  • Work on decision making by choosing what colors to use and where

BONUS TIP: If your little ones love mixing up their colors and they always end up making everything brown or grey, try this – only give them complementary colors to use (red, blue, white – so when they mix it only turns to purple)

Have fun painting!

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