Easy and fun toddler activities and printables

Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS
Toddler Activities

Five Senses – Sense of TASTE

Learning about our five senses is a great way to explore and learn more about the world around us. Did you know, adults have around 10,000 taste buds which are constantly regenerating every one to two weeks. As we age, their ability to regenerate decreases which is why our taste changes as we grow older. …

Toddler Activities

Five Senses – Sense of SMELL

We are learning our five senses and today’s activity focuses on the sense of smell! Did you know, studies showed that the nose can smell at least one trillion distinct scents? When we breathe in, receptors in our nose send messages to our brain to interpret what we are smelling. Here’s a simple activity to …

Toddler Activities

Rainbow Rice Sensory Tray Ideas

There are so many different ways to use Rainbow Rice for sensory play, here are just a few ideas to get you started! You can add various items into your sensory trays such as blocks & toys but our favorites are definitely scoops and bowls. Your littles will enjoy scooping and pouring the rice from …