Toddlers that are in the 1-2 year old age group are starting to gain better control of their body parts and movements. They may be starting to walk and fascinated by the world and new things around them. To help them learn and grow, here is a list of fun and easy activities that you can try!

(Bonus – you can still do these activities as they grow older and they make for some really fun sibling activities! My daughter is 3 and she still loves to do these with her 1 year old brother)

Ziploc bag painting

Bubble wrap painting

Taste safe paint

Handprint clay

Ice painting

Sensory play – taste safe playdough 

Spaghetti sensory play

Water Play

Ball drop and Color sort

Mystery Water

Handprint cards and crafts

Cheerio Towers

Color matching Sun Rays

Feed the Frog

Playdough Letter Stamp

Color sorting flowers

Tape Line Bears

Ball Tape Wall

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